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The ilès Translation Team
From the Blog:
Is it only an imitation?
FunBy Arne
Translation services and security
TranslationBy Arne
Artificial Languages and Planned Languages
LinguisticsBy Ulrike
Where do all these words go to? – Learning Tunsi 8
Language Learning, TunisianBy Arne
Top 10 Hardest Languages in the World
Fun, Language LearningBy Arne
What exactly happens in a culture shock? – Culture Shock 2
Cultural adaptationBy Arne
Now for Real – Living in Aix 4
Aix, Cultural adaptationBy Arne
The ethnographic film: a source for language and linguistics, com
Fun, LinguisticsBy Ulrike
Language learning (reading) made easy: the EuroCom method – part 1
Language Learning, LinguisticsBy Ulrike
5 Examples and stories – Culture shock 7
Cultural adaptationBy Arne
New words: How neologisms emerge during the Covid 19 pandemic
LinguisticsBy Ulrike