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From the Blog:
Only a small step into desaster
FunBy Arne
How to keep a high level – Learning Spanish 8
Language Learning, SpanishBy Arne
Dutch & German: Learning a related language
Language LearningBy Arne
When the mother tongue is not Mother’s tongue
Language LearningBy Arne
In Primary School – Living in Algeria 2
Algeria, Cultural adaptationBy Arne
Time heals all wounds (Tun. Stories, no. 2)
Translation, TunisianBy Arne
The poor woodcutter (Tun. Stories No. 11)
Translation, TunisianBy Arne
Language learning (reading) made easy: the EuroCom method – part 2
Language Learning, LinguisticsBy Ulrike
All the Colours, including Grue: How languages see colours differently
Fun, LinguisticsBy Ulrike
Looking closely at language learning methods – GPA overview 2
GPA, Language LearningBy Chris
How to fool yourself while learning – Learning Spanish 2
Language Learning, SpanishBy Arne