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From the Blog:
Dutch & German: Learning a related language
Language LearningBy Arne
Guess the languages – the answers
FunBy Arne
Review of Springer: That sounds like Spanish to me!
LinguisticsBy Ulrike
Feeling stupid – the big crisis – Learning Tunsi 7
Language Learning, TunisianBy Arne
How many are there? Language chaos – Living in Algeria 6
Algeria, Cultural adaptationBy Arne
5 Ways to survive your most boring language teacher
Language LearningBy Arne
Stay at home: Movies about Linguistics and Linguists
Fun, Language LearningBy Ulrike
Only a small step into desaster
FunBy Arne
Artificial Languages and Planned Languages
LinguisticsBy Ulrike
How I can improve my listening skills – Learning Tunsi 10
Language Learning, TunisianBy Arne