I feel so stupid.
And I have to say a lot of things that I don’t know how to say. The story is about a bear and a goat. They meet. The bear has old clothing and is proud of it. Normally, he wears nothing, now he is dressed. Then, the goat comes by in a new modern fancy suit – and laughs at the bear. The bear is embarrassed, but finally roars at the goat and forces him to exchange clothes.
Well, in my language, no problem. Funny pictures, funny story. But, if you don’t know how to buy milk in the new language, you feel overwhelmed with this task.
Well, if you look at Chris’s post about speaking ideas, then you see that it’s part of the method to push yourself out of the comfort zone. If you have a normal teacher to help you learning a language, this part is done by the teacher:
He forces you to go where you normally can’t. You still don’t know the words, the construction and so on. But, here we don’t have a teacher. This language is not written, we can’t easily handle it with a book.
I finally overcome the crisis after I am angry at myself, my language helper and the whole method for two days. I read the post about speaking ideas again, I reflect on the method and alternatives of learning.
Next session, I correct a few things about how my language helper works with me, but in the end I understand that if I feel embarrassed and stupid, it’s simply part of the situation of language learning inside a community:
You are the baby, you don’t know how to say the simplest thing.
You are the beginner. Everybody else is fine. It’s their language and their country.
It’s me who has to learn.
Okay, I got it.